With Ignite Automotive 2 just a week away, we thought we'd give you a peek at the speakers who will presenting:
- Nicole Yelland - @NWLife - Internet Radio, What's the Big Deal?
- John F. Monk - @monkjf - New Energy Policy: Michigan to be the Next Beneficiary
- Brian Mulloy - @landlessness - Two Ton API Client
- Sandy Fiaschetti & Mike Muehmel - @brightauto / @sandyfias- A BRIGHT Future for You
- Nikunj Jain - Anthropomorphism in the design of sustainable vehicles
- Doug Van Slembrouck - @dougvanslembro - Car Sharing, Turning an idle vehicle into a profitable asset
- John Harding - @current_motor - Doing it different: bringing affordable EVs to market 2 wheels at a time
- Robert Brincheck - @rbrincheck - The US Auto Industry Must Reclaim Innovation Leadership
- Anthony Oliver - @anthony_oliver - Why the auto industry NEEDS open source.
- Jonathan Clark - @aftersalesllc - You wouldn't treat a partner that way
- Nick Britsky & Russ Wolfe - @nbritsky / @remakedetroit - Twinkie Cars, Cupcake Mobiles & the Rise of Hackerspaces
- Charlie Wollborg - @CharlieCurve - MOHO is the new SOHO